Sara's coordination has also improved quite a bit over the last couple weeks. Two Thursdays ago, Andy and I noticed that she had begun very purposefully grabbing her toys. In the past, she would swat or swipe at them and sometimes pick them up, but all of a sudden she was looking at the toy she wanted and just picking it up the first time she tried. She would even look for the toy when she dropped it and pick it back up again. We're not sure if her vision or depth perception just came into focus or she just finally decided that she really wanted those toys.
Sara is really enjoying sitting up in the bath now and playing with her bath toys. We have a small inflatable tub that fits in the big bath tub for now since she's still not so stable and the full tub is a bit scary to have her sitting in. It also uses a lot less water and she doesn't need that much right now.
Sara is sleeping through the night now, and just this weekend started rolling over onto her tummy at night. Andy said she was rolling up and down the crib this morning when he went in to get her, so she is becoming very mobile!
Even though Sara is sleeping pretty good, she has started waking frequently some nights. She sometimes needs a paci to go back to sleep and sometimes can put herself back to sleep. She's also been a bit more cranky lately and really putting toys in her mouth. Andy and I suspect that she may be in the beginning of teething. The pediatrician said that she would probably start to have sore gums at around four months of age and she does seem to have some of the signs of teething. Andy also discovered that she really wanted to put her mouth on his cold glass at a restaurant the other day, so we've started giving her teething rings out of the freezer when she gets fussy. She seems to like the cold in her mouth, but we're not sure if it's really helping or not yet. There are no signs of teeth ready to break through, but her gums may be sore for a while before that actually happens. Mommy isn't really looking forward to teeth and nursing, but hopefully she will behave!
For the real Father's Day, Sara gave daddy the gift of time by getting him a lawn service for the summer. She said it took daddy a long time on the weekends to mow the lawn and she'd rather be playing with him instead. It will be nice for him to not have to be out in the heat too. She also made daddy a pencil holder at school with her picture, hand, and foot prints on it for daddy to take to work. Sara sure does love her daddy!
We hope you are all enjoying the weekend and Father's Day. Happy Daddy's Day to all the dads we know!