I know it's been a while since we posted - we've been busy with our little snoochie boochie. She's changing so fast it's hard to believe, so I'll try to give everyone the highlights.
Sara rolled over for the first time two Saturdays ago (3/29) from stomach to back. She did it twice in a row for her daddy in the morning and I saw her do it again later that afternoon. I think she really doesn't enjoy tummy time very much and was quite motivated that day to get back on her back. Of course Sara has decided that she has no need to roll over for us again - especially since we constantly have the camera set to video it when we put her on her tummy. Most times now she just makes crawling motions but isn't strong enough yet to actually move anywhere. If we ever get the roll over on video, we'll be sure to post it!
The other big change is that Sara is now intentionally reaching for her toys. Last Saturday she started reaching for the toys on her play mat and actually grabbing them. She's always liked her play mat, but now she has a lot of fun with it and grabs different toys dangling from it in both hands. She even talks to her toys as she grabs them and sometimes smiles at them. She's been trying to get them in her mouth, but none of them stretch that far. It won't be long before everything in her reach goes in her mouth I'm sure.
Sara has continued to do pretty good in her crib at night, which is nice for us! She still starts off most nights in the swing, but we're trying to break her of that need slowly. Last night she was pretty sleepy after her last feeding, so I put her down in her crib and she stayed in there for the night. I'm not sure if she'll do it again tonight, but it was great to have her in bed and not have to creep around the living room with her asleep in the swing until we went to bed. She's also sleeping a bit better at night and we've been having to make less runs to put a paci in before she needs to eat. We've been really lucky in general with her sleeping as she's adapted to her crib pretty well and started sleeping for a long stretch at such a young age. It definitely allows us to sleep better and feel a bit more human in the morning.
This week is my last week of maternity leave and I go back to work full time next week. I started Sara in daycare this week so that I could take her there a few hours each day to get her used to it. I'd been worried about daycare in general and then Sara decided a couple weeks ago that she no longer wanted to take a bottle. She had taken them just fine for a while, and then she decided that she wasn't having any of it. From what I've read about the subject, she's at the age where eating in general becomes a choice instead of just a reflex/instinct and she clearly has a decided that the bottle is not what she wants to eat from. Trying to give her a bottle after this switch, she would scream and scream until she eventually got hungry enough to take it. Last week I made her take one a day to try to get her used to it since she won't have any other choice at daycare. She was all over the place taking it just fine one day and screaming for three hours before taking it another. I felt so bad for her, but I also didn't want to give in because she does need to learn to take the bottle. I've heard from several friends that she will pick it up in a week or two at daycare and I know she can take the bottle when she gets hungry enough. I just hate to think of her at daycare screaming and hungry for hours.
So bottle problems and all she started daycare this week. I've only been taking her for half days so she only has to take one bottle while she's getting used to the new surroundings. I think daycare is way harder on me than it is on her because she seems to be doing great there. She did have a problem with the bottle on Monday, but they got her to drink half of it at least. Yesterday she took almost the whole thing, so we'll see how much she had taken when I go to pick her up today. She has napped in her crib there, which shocked me since she hates to do so at home, and has had a chance to play and do tummy time. She seems happy when I pick her up and doesn't look like she's been crying or upset. I do like her main teacher, Rosie, a lot and that makes me feel pretty good about her being there. It's just hard to not have her with me all the time like I've been able to do while on leave. It's been hard taking her to daycare each day and coming home to an empty house. The first two days I just pumped and left for the afternoon because I didn't want to be here without her. I've felt a bit better today and decided to try to get some things done around the house and update the blog while she's gone, but I still keep looking at the clock to see when I can leave to go pick her up. Work is definitely going to be different when I go back and there will be no more long days for sure.
Speaking of picking up my baby, it is almost time so I'll go for now. I have a bunch of pictures and a few videos to upload when I get a chance, so be on the lookout for those soon. Hope you are all having a good week!
1 comment:
Just when I think you have posted the cutest picture ever, you post another one!!
Love, Grandpa
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