Hope everyone is having a good week - check out all the new videos and pictures that we've posted recently and be sure to leave comments when you get a chance as we love hearing from everyone!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Look at this Big Girl!
Hope everyone is having a good week - check out all the new videos and pictures that we've posted recently and be sure to leave comments when you get a chance as we love hearing from everyone!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
Picture Time!
I love pictures!
This is teddy bear - he tastes yummy!
I see my Daddy - he's the best!
Oh yeah, I know I'm the cutest!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sitting Up, Teeth, and the Wreck
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Playing is Fun
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Back to Work, The Cold, and Drama
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
A Quick Update

Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Two Month Old

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Mom, Where Did This Elephant Come From?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Crib Intervention
Andy and I are torn every night with what to do with this child. She has only been waking us up once at night to eat, going 6-8 hours, but the catch is that she is sleeping in the swing. She's been staying awake a lot more during the day and subsequently gets cranky after her last feeding. By the time we get her to calm down and go to sleep, neither of us really want to test things by putting her down in the crib. We really want her to start sleeping in her own bed, but we are also loving the sleep we get when she's in that swing. I swear she doesn't make a peep in that thing until she's ready to eat again and then she goes right back to sleep in the thing for another 4-5 hours. How can we get her to do that in her crib?
I've been feeding her at 7pm every night since I started pumping then this weekend and so we're trying to make this her bedtime. She usually won't go to sleep until after 8 with her crankiness, but she isn't waking up to eat again until the middle of the night once she is down. Andy and I are going to try to start a bedtime ritual with feeding at 7pm, new diaper and outfit, and put her in a sleep sack to rock to sleep. We're hoping that she's old enough now to pick up on the routine and maybe get less fussy at this time of night and go to sleep easier.
As for the crib, I've been slowly trying to put her in there more often during the day. It's just as hard to do this "crib intervention" during the day because it means that I can't do anything else while I'm trying to get her to go down in there. She constantly starts to make noise and I have to go put her pacifier back in or stand there with my hands on her to calm her down again. When she does go to sleep in there, it usually only lasts for about 20-30 minutes at a time instead of her normal couple hours that she'll nap. I'm hoping that she'll start to get used to the crib this way though and will start sleeping for longer stretches in there. I keep thinking she'll eventually get tired enough to sleep for a full nap in there, but she apparently got her stubborness from her mother and has so far refused! Something will have to give eventually though because there's no swing at daycare and she'll have to get used to the crib they have there.
Other than our crib woes, Sara is continuing to do really good. She's really starting to smile and coo a lot and has even started to mimic some of the sounds we make when we talk to her. She loves going places and just stares at people like they are the most interesting thing in the world. We took her to the zoo for the first time this past weekend, but she ended up sleeping the whole time so we didn't get any pictures. It was still nice to walk around and we finally fit in there with our stroller since the zoo is stroller/baby central anytime we've been.
I put up some new pictures and videos the other day for those who haven't been to the site in a while. I'll try to get some more soon.
Well, the little one called me away hours ago and I just got a chance to put her down again to finish this up. I better post it now before she starts up again!
Happy Wednesday!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Don't Forget to Spring Forward
Other than the upcoming loss of an hour of sleep, things are starting to get a bit better around here I think. After a really bad bout with my stomach this past Monday night, I went to a gastroenterologist to see if she could figure out what was wrong with me. Since my ultrasound for gallstones came back negative (whew - no surgery for that!), she thinks I have an ulcer from all the ibuprofen that I was given after delivery. I always thought an ulcer would be a burning pain, but apparently it can cause all sorts of different pain. The only good thing about an ulcer is that it can be taken care of with medication over a 6-8 week period. They normally do an edoscope to confirm an ulcer, but this requires sedation and I would have to discard my milk for a while after the procedure. We haven't started Sara on bottles yet, and I haven't started pumping either. Because of this, the doctor decided to put me on an ulcer medication and see if my symptoms improve over a week. I have been on the medication since Wednesday and I think it might be starting to work. I've still had some stomach problems, but I've also had a couple days with no pain at all. I really hope this works so that I don't have to do any further testing!
On top of the ulcer, the gastroenterologist also called yesterday to tell me that I have a urinary tract infection and put me on antibiotics for that. I sure am having a tough time getting healthy, but I hope I am on the right track now. I hate taking all this medicine while nursing Sara even though the doctors say it should be ok. I made it all the way through pregnancy without even taking a Tylenol and now I am on multiple prescription medications! It's very frustrating for me because it's so important to me that Sara be breastfed but I also don't want her to get anything in the milk that might hurt her.
On a happier note, with Andy done with his big plant nightmare, I am going to start pumping tonight after Sara's last feed before her long stretch. I want to start building up a supply of extra milk in the freezer, and we'll have Andy try to give her a bottle soon. The bottle is something I'm both looking forward to and dreading. I really love nursing Sara and it is a wonderful feeling to be able to give her the food that she needs, but it will also be nice to be able to get a break and not have to be home or with her for every feeding. She obviously needs to learn to take a bottle before I go back to work too, so we'll see how it goes one day soon.
Sara has been a bit cranky today and hasn't wanted to go down for a nap. She only napped about half an hour at a time until around 1pm when she finally went down for a long stretch. She slept well then, but is back to being cranky at this hour. She gets herself so tired and then doesn't know how to get to sleep despite all our rocking, cuddling, etc. Eventually she just gets so tired from crying that she goes to sleep, but she hasn't been staying asleep very long. Maybe she'll sleep well tonight after being awake so much during the day - we'll see!
Sara is also growing like a weed! Andy and I think she weighs about twelve pounds now and appears to be about 23 inches long by our measurement. Her head is getting a lot bigger and she has lots of baby chub on her with a big baby belly and lots of little baby rolls developing on her arms and legs. I keep telling her it's the one time in a woman's life that those rolls are going to be considered cute so enjoy :) She's so big that she's started to outgrow most of her newborn clothes and is fitting quite well into the 0-3 month size. We're actually going to have to start packing up those little newborn sizes now and need to go shopping for some 3-6 month sizes that she'll be in soon enough. I can't believe how much she's grown in such a short amount of time. It's exciting to see her change and yet I still feel a little sad that she's not the same tiny newborn. It's funny how you want your children to grow up and stay the same all at once!
Well, we hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far. It's been like heaven having Andy home for a change and we've both been able to relax a bit in between the crankiness.
Happy Daylight Savings,
Andy, Valarie, and Sara
Monday, March 3, 2008
The Playdate
Sara did really well on our outting and seemed to really like being somewhere new to look around. She also liked Hilary's swing in which she can sit up and look around (unlike ours where she is still in cradle mode and laying down). It was pretty funny too when she fell asleep in this swing with her chin resting on the little tray holding her in. It's always amazing how many positions babies will sleep in that look like they would be so uncomfortable.
Hilary had this giant fake bottle of Hershey's Syrup filled with M&Ms, and I thought it would be cute to take a picture of Sara with the bottle since it was bigger than her (I added it to the pictures today). I'm sure she will love chocolate when she is finally allowed to have some one day!
I had a good time talking to the girls and watching Mandy play, but my mystery stomach illness decided to make a lovely appearance in the form of me losing my lunch! I can't remember the last time I threw up and it was extra nice to have to do so in someone else's home. Luckily Katie was right next to me and I handed Sara to her to make it to the guest bathroom - thank God I at least made it there and didn't hit Hilary's floor! This stomach thing is seriously irritating and I'm still trying to figure out what it is. The doctor didn't really know last Friday but said it might be gallstones. I went to the local hospital on Saturday morning for an ultrasound but still haven't heard back from the doctor today. I called this morning and she still hadn't reviewed my images to tell me anything. I would think that would be something she would have done when she first got in since I've been waiting two days already, but oh well. I'm hoping that I don't have gallstones because I don't want to have to worry about a potential surgery to remove my gallbladder.
After such a big day, Sara was a bit cranky last night and ate a few times in a row for a long time. The only nice thing about her doing this is that she sleeps for a long time once she finally goes down. Once again, I misjudged when she was going to go down for her long stretch and put her in the swing instead of her bed. She slept for 5 hours in that stinking thing! It took me a while to get her to calm down and go to sleep before that and she ended up going 7 hours between feedings. Six hours two nights ago and seven last night - I don't know if it's the growth spurt or maybe that she's been so awake the last few days but it would be great if she keeps doing these long stretches and we can get some good sleep. Of course, I wonder if she would have slept so long had I put her down in her bassinet since she does not love it like she does the swing. I guess I'll just take what I can get for now because the last two nights have felt pretty good compared to earlier in the week!
Sara is having a pretty good day so far - she's really starting to be awake a lot more during the day and that means even less time for me to try to get anything done (even showering some days!). This morning she played for a couple hours before getting hungry and tired. She is really smiling a lot more when you talk to her so I took a short video and tried to make noises to get smiles. I got a few small ones and a few noises so I'll put it up on YouTube when I get a chance. We had fun playing on the floor and in her bouncy chair until she got cranky and hungry. She had a rough couple hours after that with gas and trying to poo, but I finally got her to sleep a few minutes ago and put her down in the swing. Man was it a good investment to get those rechargeable batteries!
Hope everyone is having a good Monday - I put a few new pictures up and I'm working on some videos too...
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Six Week Growth Spurt
Yesterday started the feeding frenzy for her six week growth spurt. She ate constantly all day and only took one nap in the middle of the day. By evening, I was feeding her about once every hour and a half. She actually completely drained me a few times and was not happy that mom did not have more milk immediately - what a little piggy :) This went on until about 9:30 when I put her down in her swing. I thought she'd be up again soon to eat and would put her down in the bassinet after that round, but apparently she had finally eaten herself senseless and she slept in that stinking swing for SIX hours! Andy fell asleep on the couch and I had gone to bed to rest before what I thought was another imminent feeding. You'd think that having her sleep for six hours straight would be such a fantastic thing, and it sort of is, but I spent most of the time waking up constantly to see if she was still asleep or if she was ready to eat yet. And, as all moms who have nursed can empathize with, after all that constant feeding during the day I was painfully full by the time she woke up.
The good news is that she did go down fairly well in her bassinet after that 3am feeding. She woke me a few times but went back to sleep before I had to get up. She stayed happy there until about 6:30 when she was ready to eat again, so I am at least happy for one good stretch in there.
I'm hoping that this growth spurt will be over soon and maybe that will help with the night trouble she's had this week. Only time will tell...
Sara is starting to smile more and more but they are still not what I would call frequent. She liked me repeating "Mama" and "Dada" over and over again in baby talk yesterday and gave me several good smiles for that which was so fun.
The other fun thing is that Sara has really started to figure out where the milk comes from. If I hold her in a cradle type hold now, she turns her head toward me with a big wide mouth (whether it's meal time or not!). The other day we were taking a nap and she was laying on her side facing me. I felt her start moving around a bit but didn't think anything of it since she is always a wiggle worm. After a short time she let out this frustrated scream. When I pulled back to look at her, I realized that I had a big wet spot on me where she had been trying to latch on through my clothes. I guess she woke up hungry and figured she'd just get to munching but didn't quite understand the clothes being in the way. It was pretty funny and she was happy again as soon as I gave her what she wanted :)
She's also figured out our routine of a diaper change before feedings and will stop crying when she realizes that she is about to eat. She's starting to be able to latch herself as well which is making things quite a bit easier for me! She certainly loves her milk and it's really fun to see how excited she gets when it's meal time. When Andy is done with his crazy work schedule, we'll start introducing bottles to her and see how that goes. That will be nice for me if I want to go somewhere for a short time and she'll have to start taking them when I go back to work.
Well, I hear the little munchkin filling her diaper for me again, so I'd better go for now. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words....

Sara also had some friends stop by and got to meet Dottie, Jason, and Cambria for the first time (they've been fighting illness too!). Andy and I were shocked to see how much Cambria had grown in just a couple months - she is walking and talking a bit too. She is definitely going to be tall like her mom. It will be so fun when the girls are old enough to really play together!
Fred, Katie, and Lily also stopped by for a visit. Lily really digs her exersaucer and is all smiles these days. I'm so jealous of how well she sleeps in the crib - even when it's Sara's crib she's in! There will be a serious celebration in the Athon house when Sara really sleeps on her own consistently and only gets up to eat at night!
It's so great when we get to see friends and I'm able to talk to other moms about all kinds of baby stuff. I feel really lucky that Dottie and Katie had their babies first so that I can ask them all kinds of questions. They are such a great resource - I hope I can pay them back someday with some great tip I've discovered!
Also this past weekend, we really started to see some new developmental changes in Sara. She could always focus on a face, but now she is really looking at people for long periods of time and studying what they are doing. She tracks people when the walk across a room - even turning her head upside down a bit to follow someone. She has also started to turn and look at a person when they come into the room and sit down near her. It's neat to see her becoming so aware of her surroundings.
She also appears to be able to see quite a bit better these days. We think she's looking at pictures on the wall and other objects that are approximately 3-6 feet away. She seems to be able to really look at these things now instead of just glancing around sort of in a daze and objects catch her attention more than the ceiling now :)
The most exciting development is that Sara is starting to really smile now. She's still working on it, but just this weekend she started to respond with slight smiles when being talked to. She's starting to do it a bit more each day and it really seems as though it's intentional now and not random like it was before. We're looking forward to more smiles and less crying for sure!
Well, the little creature is starting to stir again so I better go for now. I added some more pictures to the website - the ones of Sara in the purple outfit are from her one month birthday. I had planned to add them that night but things just have not worked out lately. We also have a few more videos that we hope to upload soon. They take such a long time to load that I've just been focusing on the pictures for now. Hopefully we'll all get healthy and happy soon and I can get a bit more things on the site!
Hope you are all doing well - we love the comments and appreciate everyone checking in on us from time to time. We miss you all and hope you can all come to see Sara sometime soon!
Lots of love,
Andy, Valarie, and Sara
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Our Chunky Baby
We just got back from the doctor and quick meal at the local IHOP and thought we'd give a quick update on how things went. I thought Sara would be somewhere around 8 1/2 pounds since I could tell she was getting heavier and knew she was eating well. Andy thought she would be 9 pounds just from how heavy she felt. Well, we were both underestimating our little chunky baby....
Sara now weighs 9lbs 10oz!!! She is also now 21 1/4 inches long. This puts her in the 62% for weight and 55% for length.
I knew she was eating well but I am still shocked that she has gained so much weight. Dr. Gray says her weight gain is perfectly normal and is a good sign that she is healthy and happy with the breastmilk. So, we are happy parents.
Sara had to get one shot today for Hepatitis B, but this was much better than the heel prick she had to have last time. They had to prick her heel three times and squeeze on it for several minutes to get all the blood they needed for that, but this was a quick shot and went over much better. There was still screaming when the shot when in, but I was able to calm her down within a few minutes and she was off to sleep again in her carseat so we could get some breakfast. I'm not thinking next month's visit will be quite as nice since she will have to have four shots all at once, but hopefully it won't be too bad.
The doctor also told us that Sara is ready to start sleeping in her own bed now, so we will try to start the transition to her crib soon. I still feel a bit nervous not having her in the room with me, but I suppose there really isn't any difference in her bassinet and her crib. We have the baby monitor all charged up so we'll get to test that out too. I'm pretty sure I can hear her cry even without it, but hopefully the monitor will wake me up before she gets too upset and awake for a night feeding. If she'll go down in her crib, I'll start feeding her in the rocker in her room so she isn't dragged across the house and woken up at night. This will be good for her but not as fun for me since I've been able to stay in bed and feed her so far.
On another note, Andy and I found that there are some seriously scary people hanging out at the IHOP on a random Wednesday morning. Anytime I'm out in the middle of a weekday (hardly ever when not on maternity leave), I always wonder how there can be so many cars and people out and about. Doesn't most everyone else have to work too? Well, today I think we saw the type of crowd that isn't at work too - and there were a ton of kids out with these people - don't they need to be in school? It was a little disturbing for sure - be sure to check out your local IHOP sometime in the middle of a weekday and see for yourself :)
Happy Wednesday....
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The Miracle of the Pacifier

Friday, February 15, 2008
A Good Night
Sara did pretty good today too and is eating constantly. I think she might be having one of her many growth spurts - she's going to be a big chunky baby soon! I'm glad that she's eating so well, but it is hard being home alone with her all day when she needs to eat all the time because I can't get anything done. I barely got a shower today before she started screaming to eat again! Hopefully she'll be done with this growth spurt in a day or so and will go down for some longer naps again during the day!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Welcome to Parenthood
Sara had several sponge baths while her cord was still attached and luckily seems to like the water unlike most newborns. She finally lost her cord at almost three weeks and had her first real bath yesterday in the tub. She also seemed to like being in the water and was very calm for the whole bath. Hopefully that will continue and bathtime will be fun for her. It will be neat when she is old enough to enjoy splashing and playing with toys in the bath.
Sara is awake when not eating about 2-3 times throughout the day for about an hour or so. There isn't a whole lot to do with her right now since she is so little but we make faces and hold toys in front of her to look at. We have play time on the floor where we help her touch toys of different colors and textures and she also does some tummy time on the floor each day to help her develop her neck muscles. She can already hold her head up really well for about a minute at a time and can look around on her own briefly too. This past weekend we bought a play mat that has toys hanging down for her to focus on. She will eventually be big enough to reach the toys and they can be pulled down easily to play with.
Sara also had her first real outting since coming home from the hospital this past weekend where we went to Target and out to eat. She did really well and likes to sleep in the carseat as long as the car is moving. I brought along a pillow and was able to nurse her in the car in between stops and that kept her happy for the duration. It was nice to be able to leave the house for a while and get out into the world since we've pretty much been staying home and inside except for daily walks around the neighborhood. It will be good to start going more places as she gets older and get out of the house more often!
Well that is a good highlight summary of life so far with Sara at home. We are two very tired parents and some days are better than others but Sara is doing well and we are looking forward to all the new things she will start doing soon as she gets more interactive with us.
Lots of Love,
Andy, Valarie, and Sara